Saturday, April 14, 2007

News From Cowboy Country

Hi y'all !!!

Still haven't sussed this blogging business, but Bert has abandoned it (after a kind and helpful comment that he was being a bit 'anoraky' . . . who could take offense at that ????) so here I am.

We are getting into the swing of things now . . . remembering to check the mail box at the end of the road (most days), not looking too embarrassed when the little man at Sobeys (supermarket) trundles behind me with little cart and loads my shopping into the 'trunk', waving the kids off on the bright yellow school bus (no seat belts!), buying shampoo,milk and mayo by the gallon. The locals seem to genuinely want you to 'have a really great day, now!', so we're doing our best to oblige.

The furniture arrived - finally. Can't fill the house, obviously . . . far too huge. Might have to bring the whirlpool bath back with us . . . fantastic, and plenty of room for 2 !! Did a lot of grumbling about the price of washing machines, but it has arrived . . . and is the Sherman Tank of all washing machines (obviously bigger is better in North America).

No such thing as Health and Safety . . . no bump notes from school despite the mother of all grazes (cream applied, plasters offered . . . sharp intakes of breath from all you teachers out there!), a Tarzan rope for launching yourself into the local swimming pool, one small man to deliver a 240lb awning to a friend!, mega playground with rope swings at school - use as you like. Fab.

Teachers don't shout (ever) and we are all respecting each others feelings. Feel the warmth. The kids can offer a rousing rendition of 'O,Canada' ( "now sing the National Anthem" . . . blank faces all round. Shouldn't we be campaigning for morning recital in school, whilst gazing at the Union Jack?)

Locals are great ("I have a cousin in Aberdeen, do you know her?") and big trucks are the order of the day (in a male "mine's bigger than yours" kind of way.)

There are loads of Brits, so plenty of opportunity to chat (phew!).

We've been to the zoo (twice), the Tower, Banff (fab) and Edmonton (drab). Head-smashed-in Buffalo Jump was different, and in Nanton you are expecting the sheriff and his posse to come galloping round the corner - just ahead of the tumbleweed.
Anyway, off to Banff again today. Rodeo tomorrow . . . watch this space !

Banff Website:

Missing y'all. Love the messages . . .keep it up! (ignore Bert's little identity crisis . . . normality reigns at home.)

Photos to follow. Love and hugs to all, Nicki and the gang xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx