Hoar Frost
How gorgeous is this? It looks like snow but it's a 'Hoar Frost' (Bert was desperate to write the title for this one . . . I've banned him to spare the blushes of our more genteel readers). So pretty . . . and no shovelling! We had a chinook last night so it all thawed . . . now we're bracing ourselves for the -25 on Wednesday. Not that we'll be adopting the local habit of leaving the car running while we go into a shop . . . at the 'liquor store' on a Friday there can be 4 mega trucks outside, all left running and with keys in the ignition! Wonder how long they'd last in Birkenhead???
More Pics Here: http://www.photobox.co.uk/slideshow?album_id=28528147
I've added another 'first' to my list . . . a pedicure! (huge thanks to Adele, employer of the year). What a treat. Soaking our feet and vibrating (very interesting chairs!) while reading about Britney. Bliss. We looked a picture walking out in our luminous yellow disposible flip-flops. In the snow. Clashed nicely with Adeles shocking pink toe nails. At least I was parked at the door - Adele had to skid round the car park in hers!!
Bert wants to add ice-fishing to his list. He likes the 2 foot rod. What does that say about him???
We're off out for a walk with the dog. He struggled last week - too cold for his little pads. He was like a lizard, lifting one foot up and trying to hold it in the air. We've been given some boots for him, which is even more hilarious. . . he can't walk at all!! He did the chameleon thing, then finally settled for leaping backwards . . . me and Katie were on the floor laughing. Funniest thing I've seen since Bert's turkish shave.
Bye for now all you damp little poms!
Love and hugs,
Nicki xxxx