Sunday, January 13, 2008

Deer Stalkers!

Happy New Year!!!!

Hope 2008 finds you all happy and healthy . . . no doubt shattered and skint is another way of looking at it. Ah well, another 357 days to save up before next time :)

We had a great time - numerous get-togethers and plenty of Christmas cheer. The turkey was wrestled into the oven on Christmas Eve where it nestled happily for 8 hours - leaking like mad out of the too-small tin, and forcing me to clean the oven on Christmas morning. Ho ho ho.
The paper-ripping frenzy had all its usual gusto, everyone got what they wanted (and much more), the kids bought beautiful gifts for each other (how proud was I?) and Bert looks the business in his hat with ear-flaps. Bless. Jack's 'Eyeclops' was a big hit - it plugs into the TV and magnifies things 200 times, so we are now far more intimate with the inside of Dylan's ears. Quite an education, I can tell you.

We spent New Years Eve at Kim's, but didn't venture out for the compulsory rendition of Auld Lang Syne . . . a few glasses of wine being no contest for the -20 temperature. We had to make do with a quick link-up around the coffee table.

New Years Day was sunny and bright. The river has frozen over so we can walk across it to the other side of town. We went on a 3 hour trek and saw a couple of deer (click on pic above) - but luckily no cougars. I thought I saw big cat prints in the snow last time we walked in the woods and had to brandish the kids ice-skates in a menacing manner - before deciding it was my overactive imagination . . . then we were at a friend's one night over the holiday and she told me there had been a cougar in the yard!!! Not sure I buy into the "they're more scared of you" theory, either. I reckon a big stick is the way to go.

Jack and Hannah have had ice-hockey sticks and are out on the pond all the time. They love it, are naturals, and we can watch them from the house - perfect! Our neighbour Dana has spent hours and hours building a rink even closer to the house, which is much smoother and a huge hit with all the kids. What a hero!! Someone complained and phoned the police, who inspected it and declared it a good idea, so common sense prevailed - which proves the old adage that there is always one . . . even in Canada.

Hannah has gone snowboarding with her friend today. All the snow in town has gone, but there's plenty on the hills - there were a few avalanches near Banff last week. It hasn't rained for months, but there is definately more snow to come. I'll be ready with my shovel!!

Huge thanks to everyone who replied to the e-card - it's nice to know I'm not talking to myself (not that there's anything wrong with talking to yourself. . . is there?) and that all you lovely people are still out there!

Love, hugs and 2008 best wishes, until next time,

Nicki and the gang xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Some recent pics at link below: