Well, after years of escaping the long arm of the law, Nicki (aka Penelope Pitstop) finally got caught speeding in Kananaskis country. No surprises here; the funny thing is she is genuinely wondering whether to appeal. I've advised her against it ......... 122 km/hr in a 90 zone is a fair cop in my view.
They do love it though. Just about every Brit we know out here has been caught speeding (not me I hasten to add). They're everywhere with their little radar guns (in bushes, behind trees, in unmarked cars etc) ...... I'd put money on them having their Christmas do at Lazerquest. I had a Sheriff behind me last week whilst going through roadworks .....the tempory limit was 20 km/hr! I could've walked faster. They should be out catching real criminals ....... rustlers, poachers or restaurant runners for instance.
Nicki will write up our 8 day jaunt to BC in a few days. It was a 12 hour drive, but well worth it. Some of the scenery driving through the mountains was stunning.

My job hasn't lived up to expectations as I seem to have become the solution to every departments problems and have been doing 2 weeks here, 3 weeks there and not really progressing. I voiced my concerns and have arranged a meeting for mid-September to map out my future. I was asked if I'd consider moving to our other plant in Guelph (Toronto). I said 'no,' but after looking into it in more detail (house prices, proximity to New York/Niagra Falls) I may well have a change of heart if a decent package is on offer. Watch this space.
Living here really makes you appreciate the decent levels of customer service taken for granted at home. We've turned into serial complainers due to shoddy/downright appalling service. Our builder, Holiday Inn, Denny's and Photolab have all had an irate Nicki to contend with. Who's next? Shoddy service providers beware!
That's all folks. Love to all.
Bert xx