Saturday, April 19, 2008

Spring Break (Ouch!)

Hiya All!

Still alive and well, but getting on for a year and 2 months in so not much new and astounding.
I did manage to sample the delights of High River Casualty, having twisted my ankle whilst tackling the black run (aka school car park). I was on my way to a school trip so couldn't go straight to casualty - not that I needed to rush . . . the poor bloke wrapped in a towel, slumped and quietly bleeding to death, had been waiting 4 hours. After an x-ray I was given the all clear. My Dunkirk spirit was not appreciated by the doc - that degree of swelling would have been avoided by instant elevation of the limb and an ice pack every hour for 24 hours! Or we could just get real and put 4 socks on? I opted for the later. Two days later the doc phoned and asked me to go back . . . it seems the machine in A&E is naff (!) and having looked at the x-rays on his own machine (more pixels, higher resolution) he had seen a crack on my ankle bone. More x-rays and an 'Air-cast' later (only $103 - but definately an excessive bit of kit for a sore ankle) I was sent off with instructions to be x-rayed again in 10 days. By that time I will be radio-active . . . and I wouldn't be at all surprised if he was treating the break I had when I was 20. Give me the NHS any day!

Other new developments include Bert being hooked on Hockey . . . must be the imaginative chanting . . . "go, flames, go!" . . . and bull riding (watching, not strapping himself to a hulking great beast and suffering fertility-limiting injuries). Jack and Hannah have dropped the 's' from Maths and added it to 'anyway', but no Canadian accents . . . at least not in the house, where the derision of Katie and Eleanor would have to be endured. The supermarket has become the 'grocery store', everyone is a 'guy' and Hannah's teacher says she tends to 'visit' too often . . . in other words she talks too much, so nothing new there.

Spring is in the air . . . the gophers are out in force, several bald eagles have been spotted, there are calves everywhere, and there is the faintest tinge of green to the grass - which is now buried under the foot of snow that fell last night. Back to shovelling . . . last week it was 23 degrees and shorts!! Looks like there will be plenty of the white stuff in the mountains for your visit, Karen.

Minor soccer starts again next week - Jack and Hannah will be flying the flag for England and we have been listening to "3 Lions On A Shirt" in preparation . . . now there's a chant!!

That's all folks,
Lots and lots of hugs and kisses to all,
Nicki xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx