About Soddin' Time
Hiya All !
Yes, it's been a while, but we're all still alive and well and the big news is . . . we have sod! (turf, to the uninitiated). 2500 square foot of it - which wasn't enough - and it's fab. I am ridiculously pleased to have a green 'yard' instead of a mud pile, and smile whenever I approach the drive and see it . . . in all its green glory. Small things, hey.

Last night was Halloween. A huge event - and some completely over the top decorations
(think Woodchurch at Christmas, if you live on Wirral). Even the Catholic High School kids went to school in costume - 'All Hallows Eve' was sanctified by a Pope, so no worries about being PC there. Even babies and toddlers were dressed up, including our youngest 'trick or treater' - Danya (see pic). We also had a fair sprinkling of superheroes, various animals -the neighbour's 2 year old was the cutest yellow chicken with orange legs! - and lots of fairies and princesses. Lots of candy was dished out, and lots more came back. Looks like the sugar-fest will run and run. Oh dear.

We went to have a look at our local hockey team last weekend - great . . . if you're into brutality, bruising and battering . . . and these were just the kids!!! The 'big kids' (aka Calgary Flames, and their opponents) settle disputes with major slamming around, full-blown violence and hurling each other off the rink head-first. Nice. The huge penalty of 5 minutes in the 'sin bin' not exactly a deterent, then, hey? And how fast???? I have skate envy. I might have to venture out on to the ice . . . does anyone have a spare zimmer frame???
We're still not in the grip of winter - phew! A tiny flutter of snow this week - but it didn't hang around. Still bright and sunny, if decidedly 'fresh' in the mornings. We can live with that. Can't remember the last time it rained . . . sorry!
Bert is off to the Philippines in 3 weeks. He has assured me that this little jaunt into a hot climate, with exotic beaches and fabulous food, is certainly not a holiday and he will definately be working. At all times. Honestly. Well that's all right, then. I suppose. Hmmm.
If you don't hear from me for a while I have succumbed to the devastating effects of being solely responsible for 2 teenagers and twins - shortly after a major sugar boost. What joy.
Anyway, better get cracking on the Christmas decorations - it's down with the halloween lights and up with the tree in these parts!!! (By the way, Bert writes all the titles - his way of contributing - and adds pics. I cannot believe he changed my sign off to 'laters' last time!!! The shame. Honestly, you leave him alone for 2 minutes . . . )
Love and hugs to all,
Nicki xxxxxx