Sunday, April 22, 2007

I Met Dora - Be Jealous!


I felt left out with this blogging business so i decided to put my bit in!

A quick glimpse of life at Highwood High. My first day was a nightmare, my science teacher went out of his way to make me feel unwelcome with his "I don't know what i'm going to do with you!" quip, but now after speaking to others I know that's just him. With a bit of luck i won't have him next year - fingers crossed. My other teachers are really lovely - they made me feel really welcome. I'm given loads more homework but being able to wear my own clothes is good. Teachers here are really laid back, there's no shouting and a lot more positive comments - "awesome!" "way to go!" "good job!". Names are very different too - Montana, Quinton, Clay!

The weather here hasn't made its mind up, it can be sunny one day and snowy the next. I think spring is finally here now, the sun is out a lot more - yay!

I love our house, its huge! My bedroom is twice the size of my old one and i have a walk-in closet too - only a little smaller than my last bedroom! I also love having a big field at the back of the house - and a lake. The grass needs to go green now!!

Hannah and Jack's music teacher - Miss Daisy - lives opposite us. She is having a baby in June, and has asked me to babysit. I'm really excited :)

Today we went into Calgary, there was an agriculture show. I met my hero - Dora the Explorer ! - and got a lot of funny looks as everyone else who had their picture taken with her was about 4! :)

Love Katie xox.

High Hopes Of Sun In High River

Hiya All !

Thank you so much for the many emails telling us just how boiling hot it is back in the UK . . . tarmac melting, sunstroke, drought . . . I get the picture. (Heatwave guaranteed whenever we leave the country!) Not to be outdone it was fab here last weekend. I even rushed out and bought patio furniture for the deck . . . . kiss of death, naturally. Covered with an inch of snow the next morning. It's like living in a Christmas card. Still, back up into double figures now. . . and I'll be sure to send regular updates during the long, hot summer!

Gold star to Victoria for solving the sunflower seed mystery! Any idea why there's a scary amount of static??? You take your life in your hands with metal door handles. . . just as well I haven't got a pacemaker!

I started work this week. . . classroom aide. There's no waiting to see if you're a maniac because you're only 3 . . . it's straight into the psychologist chair at the first sign of a disruptive streak, a truck-load of assessments, full IEP and a personal aide in pre-school !! You need to address your anger and express your emotions calmly . . . could be a problem for your average UK adult male?!?

It was 'open house' weekend for a few local builders. . . a great opportunity to contrast and compare showhomes against ours (not as good, obviously) and generally be really nosey. The first salesman offered us donuts and cakes - "No thanks, we're fine" said Bert . . . as the kids got stuck in behind him. No such reservations at the next house . . . full blown bbq on offer! The mother of all hotdogs later and we could barely move.The kids wanted to look round another house in case they did ice-cream !

The garden is still a building site. No doubt Mr Campbell (builder) will be round with his bobcat . . . sometime in the next 6 months. Nobody's in any kind of a hurry . . . it's worse than Spain.

Shock, horror story in the local paper . . . valuables have been taken from cars! Not just the UK then, you might think . . . until you read on . . . "people are being advised to lock their cars, especially overnight" !! All the houses being built are left open (yes, I have been in) . . . whirlpool baths propped against the wall, new windows stacked in the garden. It all brings out the scouser in Bert - he keeps telling me it'd all be in the back of a transit back home. Should I be concerned about his criminal mentality??

Well, that's me for this week. Loads of love to one and all. Nicki xxxxxxxxxxxx

High River Website:

Low-down On The Hoedown

Well another week over and blog material is coming thick and fast.

On Friday I risked a visit to the spit 'n' sawdust Saloon Bar (The River Roadhouse) with my mate Chris. A bit disappointing that they didn't have swing doors, but the washrooms being signed 'Cowboys' and 'Cowgirls' made up for it. It was like being dropped into a Western film set as a comedy extra! Dungerees, denim, Cowboy boots, baseball caps, checked shirts, the lot, and you could cut through the smoke with a knife. As the resident C&W band launched into their first song (Redneck Girl), I just knew it would be a night to remember.

The beer flowed and people started buying massive jugs of Monkey nuts . . . dropping all the empty shells on the floor. I was about to comment to Chris how bizzare it was when he ordered a jug!! My mate, primate.

The night moved on and it got busier and busier. The dancing started ..... very Blackpool Tower tea-dance, but without the glad rags. I'm sure Kenny Rogers was in there ..... or was it Father Christmas? Very entertaining. If any of you make it out to see us I'll make sure an evening at The River Madhouse is on the agenda. You'll love it.

Droopy muzzies are very popular out here and a certain song jumps into my head every time I see one. I just had to dig it out:

TV out here is bobbins, 70 odd channels of nothing (although they do show 3 Premiership games live every Saturday). As an alternative I thought I'd buy a magazine to read. Funniest experience yet!! Titles included Popular Hot Rodding, 8 Lug Diesel Truck, Street Rodder, Rodz, Log Home Living, Guns and Weapons and Traditional Bowhunter. I must admit that I was half tempted by Man's Guide To Grilling. Is it just me or do some of these sound like they belong on the top shelf?

Updates should be more regular now we're settled so make sure you keep dipping in.

Bert xx

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Return Of The Super Hero

I'm back. Nicki did my head in with the 'anorack' jibe, but I've got over it and put my dummy back in. I'm now rarin' to blog.

Whatever we end up doing in the future we're all glad that we've embarked on this experience. This place is wacky!!

We took Hannah and Jack swimming today and whilst there I ventured down to the Curling rink... as you do. On the door there was a sign that said 'Sunflower seeds are prohibited in this area.' !!!! Why!?! Answers on a postcard.

I'm feeling pretty inferior without a big truck! Fortunately size doesn't matter in the UK. :)

Cowboy boots, checked shirts, leather bomber jackets and baseball caps are so obviously missing from my wardrobe ..... resisting temptation at the minute, but you never know. When I start to consider facial hair I'll book a flight home (calm down, calm down).

Getting to grips with the lingo; chips are fries, crisps are chips, the boot is a trunk, the garden is a yard, rubbish is garbage, the garage is the gas station and a bag is a purse. Suspenders are not nearly as exciting as they are back home (rock on Tommy), and don't panic when your youngest daughter asks you if you know what a 'period' is .... it's a full stop.

We've changed Dylan's name to Shawn after his visit to 'Cozy Cutz' . . . the words 'pigs' and 'ear' spring to mind. He's too embarrassed to go out. Quick trim with a blunt instrument, anyone ???? He'd be glad of facial hair! We'll have to get him a balaclava.

Before I left the UK 'random' and 'apparently' were the new buzz words; here it's 'awesome' and 'alrighty' (with a 'd'). If anyone ever hears me use these words slap me very hard.

Alrighty then, that's me done. You guys have a really great day now.

Please post comments so that we know that we're not all alone in the Wild West.

Anorackman xx

The Chris reincarnation failed, so Bert it is on my non super hero days.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

News From Cowboy Country

Hi y'all !!!

Still haven't sussed this blogging business, but Bert has abandoned it (after a kind and helpful comment that he was being a bit 'anoraky' . . . who could take offense at that ????) so here I am.

We are getting into the swing of things now . . . remembering to check the mail box at the end of the road (most days), not looking too embarrassed when the little man at Sobeys (supermarket) trundles behind me with little cart and loads my shopping into the 'trunk', waving the kids off on the bright yellow school bus (no seat belts!), buying shampoo,milk and mayo by the gallon. The locals seem to genuinely want you to 'have a really great day, now!', so we're doing our best to oblige.

The furniture arrived - finally. Can't fill the house, obviously . . . far too huge. Might have to bring the whirlpool bath back with us . . . fantastic, and plenty of room for 2 !! Did a lot of grumbling about the price of washing machines, but it has arrived . . . and is the Sherman Tank of all washing machines (obviously bigger is better in North America).

No such thing as Health and Safety . . . no bump notes from school despite the mother of all grazes (cream applied, plasters offered . . . sharp intakes of breath from all you teachers out there!), a Tarzan rope for launching yourself into the local swimming pool, one small man to deliver a 240lb awning to a friend!, mega playground with rope swings at school - use as you like. Fab.

Teachers don't shout (ever) and we are all respecting each others feelings. Feel the warmth. The kids can offer a rousing rendition of 'O,Canada' ( "now sing the National Anthem" . . . blank faces all round. Shouldn't we be campaigning for morning recital in school, whilst gazing at the Union Jack?)

Locals are great ("I have a cousin in Aberdeen, do you know her?") and big trucks are the order of the day (in a male "mine's bigger than yours" kind of way.)

There are loads of Brits, so plenty of opportunity to chat (phew!).

We've been to the zoo (twice), the Tower, Banff (fab) and Edmonton (drab). Head-smashed-in Buffalo Jump was different, and in Nanton you are expecting the sheriff and his posse to come galloping round the corner - just ahead of the tumbleweed.
Anyway, off to Banff again today. Rodeo tomorrow . . . watch this space !

Banff Website:

Missing y'all. Love the messages . . .keep it up! (ignore Bert's little identity crisis . . . normality reigns at home.)

Photos to follow. Love and hugs to all, Nicki and the gang xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx